
Monday 22 August 2011

Cycling Proficiency

We quite like to cycle, although I prefer slow and flat while F prefers fast and hilly/off-road.  That does make it a little challenging for us to go cycling together, especially now E is part of the family.  There are of course loads of different ways to take a baby or small child out with you on the bikes and we weighed up the different options: trailer, rear bike seat or front bike seat.

We decided that a trailer suited our needs the best and a friend of ours happened to have a bike trailer that she was no longer using.  We took it for a short test run on Saturday and E really enjoyed herself!  The trailer is made by a Canadian company called Chariot Carriers and in our opinion, they are the best manufacturers of bike trailers.  Unfortunately they have a price tag to match so when baby number two comes along, cycling may not be so easy - but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  They really are pretty fabulous and you can buy conversion kits to use the trailer while cross-country skiing, hiking, jogging or just walking round town.  Perfect!

It's very easy to hook the Chariot up to the bike and I felt that I would then be able to keep up with F F should do all the hard work, so that's his bike in the picture.  He still managed to pull away from me - how did he get so fit??  We just did a very short trip to see Nanny and Grampy on Saturday, then went for a longer ride on Sunday.  F really seemed to cope well with having the Chariot on the back of his bike, taking the corners slow and wide and not getting too close to the curb.  I didn't really like going along the main road with cars whizzing past us at 60mph but all was fine and E kept smiling. 

Due to the success of our first attempt, we're planning on taking the Chariot and our bikes away to Cornwall with us in a couple of weeks.  This is a much needed holiday and we're both really looking forward to it.  I'll let you know how it goes when we're back :)

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